Every phase of life is different; our priorities change and what we value changes. My favorite thing about being a woman over the age of 40 is that I now have an appreciation for life and people that I didn’t have in my earlier years. I was always so busy doing all the things that I thought I should be doing.
I am living my most extraordinary life because I am calm (most of the time) and I am at peace with life and the possibilities in front of me. I struggled with the idea of retirement years ago. My husband, Mike, and I joke about flunking out of retirement, and the truth is I am so very happy with continuing my passion to help others. We both know that we have the opportunity to share our talents and experience with others and we realize that why we are here. Our 52 years together have taught us that we can support each other, contribute to others and still travel and have fun…what a great combination.
I am in the upper level of the over 40 group, so staying healthy and active is definitely an aspiration. I realize that I could have worked a little harder at that through the years and yet I have been blessed with good health, so I am making the most of it. I am guiding others to be the CEO of their Life and that is why I am here, and it is definitely an exciting and fun adventure. I also realized that I could add a little more fun and based on the last few months, it seems like I am pretty good at it. I aspire to have some fun and laughter every single day and most of the time it’s happening many times a day!
I was surprised when I realized that the photos told a story, and I can see how I can use them in both my business and my personal life. Some of them say “I have something to tell you”, some say “I am here and welcoming you” and some say “I am trustworthy, strong and ready to support you”. It’s not just what they say to others, it’s also how they remind me who I am…it’s true, a special picture is worth a 1,000 words! It was a genuinely happy experience.