My favorite thing about being a woman over 40 is the freedom I have around expressing myself in how I show up in life. Age, experience and confidence come together in this phase of life to allow me to be who I was meant to be. No longer striving to create an image, just living life as I am!
I am living my most extraordinary life right now by doing what I want to do in my business and in my life. My family responsibilities are less day to day and more “advisory” – gone are the days of shuttling kids to activities and putting everyone else’s needs first. While I do have a certain wistful longing for some of those days, I now have freedom to travel, to work with my clients on a schedule that I create, and to focus on my next phase of life.
In the next decade, I dream of a work life that incorporates traveling for extended periods – finding opportunities to live somewhere for a month at a time to combine work and exploration. I also hope to see my adult children settled and working to fulfill their own dreams and aspirations by creating lives that allow them to reach their potential.
When I saw my portraits for the first time, I felt a little self-conscious as I’m generally not one to put myself “out there”. Then I tried to see myself as Karianne must have seen me – finding the spark in me that allowed me to shine in my photos.