I know first-hand how the negative thoughts in our heads hold us back from seeing and being the woman of our vision.

Until a handful of years ago, I was living as a shell of the woman I am today. I had spent my entire life being “perfect,” but in the end, what it brought was isolation, no deep relationships, an eating disorder, unrealistic expectations of everyone around me, and debt. I had no idea who I was and who I wanted to be.

It wasn’t until I started to shift the negative thoughts that I became the Karianne that I am today:

  • A woman who no longer hides from the camera, who no longer talks down to herself in the mirror, and who no longer keeps herself small.
  • A woman who now photographs other women and helps them build up their confidence.
  • A woman who lives an authentic life, full of friendship and love.
  • A woman who knows who whe is, has a vision for her future, and takes steps every day to become that woman.

I’m now on a mission to help all women see and become the woman in her vision.

I’ve designed an immersive photography and coaching experience which will help you reframe your inner thoughts, celebrate your outer self, and emerge with a newfound confidence and desire to be the most extraordinary future vision of yourself.

Not sure who the woman of your vision is?

That’s not a problem at all. In fact, most women don’t. Or at least they might have a vague idea in a couple of areas, but not a fully solid vision. We’ve been so busy doing for others that we’ve neglected doing for ourselves. Through our fully-guided process, by the end of our work together, you’ll soon have a solid understanding of what you want in life and who you need to be to make your vision a reality.

Your VIP experience with Karianne includes:

A one-hour pre-planning and coaching Stepping Into You Session, where we dig deep into what’s holding you back and we start to create your future self vision.

An 8-hour VIP Day at our beautiful Phoenix studio (option to upgrade to luxury rental). 

At your VIP Day, half of the day will be spent in a coaching session, where you’ll leave with a clear vision for your future.

The other half of the day will be spent in your portrait experience, where we’ll bring the woman in your vision to life. 

Full professional makeup and hair styling. 

Work with a wardrobe stylist to choose the outfits that your future self will show up in. 

A delicious, intimate catered Champagne lunch with Karianne.

A behind-the-scenes video that will help you remember how this incredible experience made you feel.

A 2-hour Portrait and Vision Reveal session, where you select the portraits, which will serve as a reminder of the powerful woman you already are, and embody the new vision you have for yourself.

An album with 20 portraits representing the woman you are becoming. *Digital files of all purchased images are also provided.

A Real is the new Perfect goodie bag delivered to your doorstep.

A 3- and 6-month post-VIP Day follow up coaching call.


The investment for this immersive, hands-on experience is $5500.
(Payment options available.)

Who is this VIP Vision Experience for?

This immersive photography and coaching experience is for any woman who wants to fast track her life from “average” or “stuck” to living as the woman of her dreams. She wants to elevate herself in mind, body and soul, and she doesn’t want to wait for months or years to get there. She is ready to conquer the world and emerge, mentally and visually, as the confident, powerful, amazing woman that she is.

Is that person YOU?


Fill out this form to apply for your VIP Day with Karianne. 
We’ll be in touch with you soon to start the process. 


Email kari@kariannemunstedt.com