Numbers: They’re Just That – Numbers

Numbers: They’re Just That – Numbers

In a world increasingly dominated by metrics and measurements, it’s easy to become fixated on numbers. Whether it’s the weight on the scale, the size of our clothes, or the age on our driver’s license, these numbers can often feel like they define us. But let’s take a...
My Health Journey: Part 3

My Health Journey: Part 3

“You look great!” Since sharing my newest photos showing me in a smaller body, I’ve been receiving a lot of compliments, one of them being “you look great!” When I receive this compliment, I know that nothing but good intentions are behind it from the person offering...
My Health Journey: Part 3

My Health Journey: Part 2

I’ve been so hesitant to share about this journey because for me it truly is not a weight loss journey at all, it is a mental health journey. I didn’t set out to lose weight. My weight loss has been natural because I just eat less now. But no one can physically see...